The Burger

During a recent road trip, my husband and I needed a quick meal so we picked a popular fast food restaurant that specializes in burgers.  It has been a few years since we have gone the fast food route, so I was surprised when I opened my burger wrapper and realized the burger was a bit smaller then I remembered.  I thought that problem was solved years ago when the lady on the commercials cried out, “Where’s the beef?”

Why does everything seem to be changing?  Like when I went to buy a 5 lb. bag of sugar and found out they are packaged as 4 lb. bags now.  I also read that even toilet paper is feeling the squeeze as the rolls are getting smaller.  And the famous chocolate sandwich cookies with the cream filling have even downsized their packages from a pound to just 15.5 ounce packages.  What is happening–why is everything changing?!?

Then I remembered that there is something we can count on to NEVER change—and that is the Lord. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. It doesn’t matter what is happening at the fast food burger joint, on the supermarket shelves, in the economy, in politics or in the nations of the world. He remains the same. What a comfort to know that He is the ONE THING that we can always count on—forever!

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.  Heb 13:8


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